Hamley Bridge Clubs and Groups

Hamley Bridge Clubs and Groups with contacts. There are lots of things to be involved with around Hamley Bridge and surrounding towns.

Please contact us to update or add your clubs and groups information. As well as any community notifications to advertise your Hamley Bridge club or group.

hamley bridge clubs & Groups

  • Hamley Bridge Community Association, work on community projects, events and also supporting community groups and clubs.

    • Richard on 0428286331

      Barbara on 0429155743

  • Hamley Bridge Book Exchange provides a service for the local community to browse, exchange and borrow books/dvds in various genres.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

  • 12 Gilbert Street Hamley Bridge, SA, Australia 5401




    • Tuesday: 10:00 – 12:00
    • Thursday:  14:00 – 16:00
    • Saturday: 10:00 – 12:00
  • We are a Lawn Bowling Club. We hold different events other than bowling. We Cater Dinners and Social Days within the Club Premises for the wider Community.

    • Please contact

      • Mal O’Brien 0427 392 464
      • Bob on 0427550700
  • Contact to Join

    Light St, Hamley Bridge SA 5401
    Phone: 0401540385
    Steve West – 85282134


    CFS Website Click HERE

  • Uniting Church situated on Gilbert street, Hamley Bridge
  • Lyall – 0418822321

    Lisa – 0437325680

    Megan – 041103814

  • Facebook GroupFacebook

  • Hamley Bridge Dog Club has been active in the community for many years. We meet every Monday evening at the Hamley Bridge Primary School commencing at 7pm.
    • Contact:  Lynda 85282079


      Contact:  Kerry 85282101

  • Hamley Bridge Bombers
    • Club President: Julie Loffler
      Email: juliejasper@hotmail.com
      Tel: 0428843045

      Vice President: James Peters

      Treasurer : Bradley Lowe

      website contact  – http://www.hamleybridgefootballclub.com.au/contact-us.html

      email – hamleybridgefc@sanflcfl.com.au

  • Golf competitions played on Thursday and Saturdays all year round with visitors welcome at any time. Green fee of $5 for visitors.
    Full, restricted and junior memberships available.

    95 Ayliffe Bridge Road
    City: Stockport
    State: South Australia
    Zip Code: 5401

  • Debbie – 0403847605

    Leslie – 0408830274

    Moreen – 85282194

  • Bookings

    16 Gilbert Street, Hamley Bridge

    • 0434 689 237
    • HamleyBridgeCommunity@gmail.com
  • More Informations HERE

  • Need to know more?


    Debra – 0403847605

    Allen – 85282194

    Moreen – 85282194

    Phil – 85282469

  • Contact

    Fiona – 0407188768

    Hayley – 0401547808

  • Contact -Kerry Ninnes 85282101


Hamley Bridge Swimming Pool

To provide a safe, active play and family orientated environment which will encourage learning, awareness and community spirit.

The Hamley Bridge Swimming Pool Inc is currently run in partnership with Wakefield Regional

Council & local volunteers. The facility has two pools (main and splash pool), and operates between November and March each year. The main pool is 25 meters long and 3.8 meters deep at its deepest end, and includes a diving board, 4 access ladders and easy access steps at the shallow end. The establishment has separate male/female change rooms and bathroom facilities. The canteen sells cold drinks, ice creams, lollies, packs of chips, noodle cups and toasted sandwiches. Volunteers often hold themed food nights and activities during the swimming season at the pool. Keep up to date with events via their Facebook page.


Hamley Bridge Swimming Club was formed in 1908. A shed was erected near a long stretch of water in the light river below White Banks and a large heavy plant was placed across the narrow opening of the swimming area. Yearly carnivals and swimming lessons were held there. The dangers of river swimming were a concern to the community and its members set out to build a modern concrete pool. The land was donated and the community received funding of £1500 from the government, and raised another £1207 through community fundraising and the Bell Bay Motor Racing Carnival. The digging of the pool was done by local volunteers. The Hamley Bridge Swimming Pool officially opened on December 3rd 1960 and was one of the first modern swimming pools in the lower north.

Sources: “Hamley Bridge Centenary 1868-1968 Souvenir Booklet” & “Back to Hamley Bridge Celebrations February 18-25, 1933 Souvenir Booklet”.


Volunteers are always needed on the HBSP inc committee, fundraising, events, weekly cleaning and running the canteen during the swimming season.

Canteen volunteer requirements:

Canteen Volunteer incentives:

  • FREE training (a commitment to a minimum of 1 x 2 hour shift per fortnight is required)
  • FREE entry for family on days working in canteen
  • Every shift worked gives you entry to yearly volunteer drawer to win a FREE membership for next season

Please contact the volunteer coordinator (details below) for more information and training dates.


The Hamley Bridge Swimming Pool is supervised by paid lifeguards, funded by Wakefield Regional Council.

The position requires the following essential qualifications;

Successful applicants will be required to commence (on a roster system) following the opening of the swimming pool season in November 2022.

To apply, please contact Wakefield Regional Council

PO Box 167                                                    T: (08) 8862 0800

Balaklava, SA 5461                                         E: admin@wrc.sa.gov.au


Opening Times (dependent on volunteer availability)

The minimum temperature for opening is forecast for 25 degrees Celsius (Adelaide).

General Swimming

Monday to Friday (School Term)                      4pm – 6pm Weekends, School holidays & Public Holidays 2pm – 6pm

Lap Swimming – Begins Monday 14th November

Monday – Saturday                                          6:00AM – 7:30AM

Monday, Wednesday & Friday                          6:00PM – 7:00PM

Please note, once Owen Swimming Pool Reopens this season, Hamley Bridge & Owen Swimming Pool will return to alternating days (see HB times below). A multi-pool membership is available for

those who wish to swim at Owen as well. Please contact Owen Swimming Pool for their lap swimming times.

  • Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday                        6:00AM – 7:30AM
  • Monday, Wednesday & Friday                          6:00PM – 7:00PM


Private Hires (available outside general swimming and lap swimming hours)

$100 per hour

Hirers must provide one person with a current First Aid Certificate.

Lifeguards are required to be present and prices include the cost of 1 lifeguard, hires with more than 30 people attending, will require a second lifeguard for an additional $40 per hour.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Please contact us below for more information and pool availability.


Please go to https://www.vacswimsa.com.au/enrol for Hamley Bridge VACSWIM dates and times.

Swimming Lessons & Aqua Classes

See Facebook page for more information

Contact Us


(08) 8528 2004 (during opening hours only)

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HBswimmingpool


Melissa Collinge 0400 282 574


Ashleigh Giles 0498 627 451

Volunteer Coordinator

Lynda Nosatti 0428 815 030

Pool Operations, Maintenance & Lifeguards

Wakefield Regional Council (08) 8862 0800

Downloadable Forms


  • We play in the Mid North Association. Our club only has a seniors team at the moment as we do not have enough junior players to make a juniors side. We are currently in B-Grade and in the year 2015 we were minor premiers.

hamley bridge